Regulator ID target symbol target name hgnc_id ensembl_gene_id uniprot ID Entrez_id type type_class cell_line cell_id species cell_disease ICD_disease method PMID GSE log2FoldChange perturbation direction pvalue REG00023 RPH3AL Rabphilin 3A like (without C2 domains) HGNC:10296 ENSG00000181031 RPH3L_HUMAN 9501 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.207347018 knock down down-regulator 0.000616635 REG00023 BDNF Brain derived neurotrophic factor HGNC:1033 ENSG00000176697 BDNF_HUMAN 627 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 RPS24 Ribosomal protein S24 HGNC:10411 ENSG00000138326 RS24_HUMAN 6229 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 RPS29 Ribosomal protein S29 HGNC:10419 ENSG00000213741 RS29_HUMAN 6235 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 RUNX2 RUNX family transcription factor 2 HGNC:10472 ENSG00000124813 RUNX2_HUMAN 860 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SAP30 Sin3A associated protein 30 HGNC:10532 ENSG00000164105 SAP30_HUMAN 8819 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SCN4B Sodium voltage-gated channel beta subunit 4 HGNC:10592 ENSG00000177098 SCN4B_HUMAN 6330 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.587912775 knock down down-regulator 0.012356277 REG00023 SCN8A Sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 8 HGNC:10596 ENSG00000196876 SCN8A_HUMAN 6334 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.59306215 knock down down-regulator 0.014327149 REG00023 NEMF Nuclear export mediator factor HGNC:10663 ENSG00000165525 NEMF_HUMAN 9147 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SRSF6 Serine and arginine rich splicing factor 6 HGNC:10788 ENSG00000124193 SRSF6_HUMAN 6431 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SGCD Sarcoglycan delta HGNC:10807 ENSG00000170624 SGCD_HUMAN 6444 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SGCE Sarcoglycan epsilon HGNC:10808 ENSG00000127990 SGCE_HUMAN 8910 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.920586875 knock down down-regulator 0.000156564 REG00023 SGK1 Serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 1 HGNC:10810 ENSG00000118515 SGK1_HUMAN 6446 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.62187317 knock down down-regulator 0.009123464 REG00023 ST3GAL2 ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 2 HGNC:10863 ENSG00000157350 SIA4B_HUMAN 6483 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SLA Src like adaptor HGNC:10902 ENSG00000155926 SLAP1_HUMAN 6503 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SLC1A3 Solute carrier family 1 member 3 HGNC:10941 ENSG00000079215 EAA1_HUMAN 6507 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SLCO1A2 Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2 HGNC:10956 ENSG00000084453 SO1A2_HUMAN 6579 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.798700379 knock down down-regulator 0.001495936 REG00023 SLC6A14 Solute carrier family 6 member 14 HGNC:11047 ENSG00000268104 S6A14_HUMAN 11254 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SLC8A2 Solute carrier family 8 member A2 HGNC:11069 ENSG00000118160 NAC2_HUMAN 6543 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.915720884 knock down down-regulator 0.000641555 REG00023 HLTF Helicase like transcription factor HGNC:11099 ENSG00000071794 HLTF_HUMAN 6596 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SMARCC2 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily c member 2 HGNC:11105 ENSG00000139613 SMRC2_HUMAN 6601 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SNCG Synuclein gamma HGNC:11141 ENSG00000173267 SYUG_HUMAN 6623 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 BSN Bassoon presynaptic cytomatrix protein HGNC:1117 ENSG00000164061 BSN_HUMAN 8927 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.730398216 knock down down-regulator 6.63E-06 REG00023 SOX2 SRY-box transcription factor 2 HGNC:11195 ENSG00000181449 SOX2_HUMAN 6657 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SOX9 SRY-box transcription factor 9 HGNC:11204 ENSG00000125398 SOX9_HUMAN 6662 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SPAG1 Sperm associated antigen 1 HGNC:11212 ENSG00000104450 SPAG1_HUMAN 6674 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 BTN3A2 Butyrophilin subfamily 3 member A2 HGNC:1139 ENSG00000186470 BT3A2_HUMAN 11118 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 STK17B Serine/threonine kinase 17b HGNC:11396 ENSG00000081320 ST17B_HUMAN 9262 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.604210156 knock down up-regulate 0.000373704 REG00023 STX11 Syntaxin 11 HGNC:11429 ENSG00000135604 STX11_HUMAN 8676 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 BTRC Beta-transducin repeat containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase HGNC:1144 ENSG00000166167 FBW1A_HUMAN 8945 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SYPL1 Synaptophysin like 1 HGNC:11507 ENSG00000008282 SYPL1_HUMAN 6856 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.638706849 knock down up-regulate 0.017984081 REG00023 SYT7 Synaptotagmin 7 HGNC:11514 ENSG00000011347 SYT7_HUMAN 9066 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.13982006 knock down down-regulator 0.033627468 REG00023 TAF1 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 1 HGNC:11535 ENSG00000147133 TAF1_HUMAN 6872 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 TBK1 TANK binding kinase 1 HGNC:11584 ENSG00000183735 TBK1_HUMAN 29110 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.882662619 knock down up-regulate 0.000686276 REG00023 TBX20 T-box transcription factor 20 HGNC:11598 ENSG00000164532 TBX20_HUMAN 57057 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.864220572 knock down up-regulate 0.048481415 REG00023 ELOB Elongin B HGNC:11619 ENSG00000103363 ELOB_HUMAN 6923 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 TCF7 Transcription factor 7 HGNC:11639 ENSG00000081059 TCF7_HUMAN 6932 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.60873187 knock down up-regulate 0.022441978 REG00023 TEAD3 TEA domain transcription factor 3 HGNC:11716 ENSG00000007866 TEAD3_HUMAN 7005 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.783538692 knock down up-regulate 0.017883136 REG00023 TEX15 Testis expressed 15, meiosis and synapsis associated HGNC:11738 ENSG00000133863 TEX15_HUMAN 56154 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.884838415 knock down down-regulator 0.004391465 REG00023 TGFBR2 Transforming growth factor beta receptor 2 HGNC:11773 ENSG00000163513 TGFR2_HUMAN 7048 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.800199493 knock down down-regulator 0.007216674 REG00023 TGIF1 TGFB induced factor homeobox 1 HGNC:11776 ENSG00000177426 TGIF1_HUMAN 7050 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.991891047 knock down down-regulator 0.017315956 REG00023 MYRF Myelin regulatory factor HGNC:1181 ENSG00000124920 MYRF_HUMAN 745 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.599109618 knock down up-regulate 0.00628219 REG00023 TLE4 TLE family member 4, transcriptional corepressor HGNC:11840 ENSG00000106829 TLE4_HUMAN 7091 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 TPM1 Tropomyosin 1 HGNC:12010 ENSG00000140416 TPM1_HUMAN 7168 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.947295656 knock down up-regulate 0.001976489 REG00023 TRAF1 TNF receptor associated factor 1 HGNC:12031 ENSG00000056558 TRAF1_HUMAN 7185 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -3.64404029 knock down down-regulator 0.001335574 REG00023 USP4 Ubiquitin specific peptidase 4 HGNC:12627 ENSG00000114316 UBP4_HUMAN 7375 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 VAPA VAMP associated protein A HGNC:12648 ENSG00000101558 VAPA_HUMAN 9218 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 VRK2 VRK serine/threonine kinase 2 HGNC:12719 ENSG00000028116 VRK2_HUMAN 7444 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.94333365 knock down down-regulator 7.73E-08 REG00023 XPO1 Exportin 1 HGNC:12825 ENSG00000082898 XPO1_HUMAN 7514 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 YPEL1 Yippee like 1 HGNC:12845 ENSG00000100027 YPEL1_HUMAN 29799 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.910182173 knock down up-regulate 0.000775886 REG00023 ZNF133 Zinc finger protein 133 HGNC:12917 ENSG00000125846 ZN133_HUMAN 7692 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ZNF133 Zinc finger protein 133 HGNC:12917 ENSG00000125846 ZN133_HUMAN 7692 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.910087622 knock down down-regulator 3.16E-05 REG00023 ZNF140 Zinc finger protein 140 HGNC:12925 ENSG00000196387 ZN140_HUMAN 7699 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ZNF140 Zinc finger protein 140 HGNC:12925 ENSG00000196387 ZN140_HUMAN 7699 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.031305235 knock down down-regulator 3.57E-11 REG00023 ZNF148 Zinc finger protein 148 HGNC:12933 ENSG00000163848 ZN148_HUMAN 7707 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ZNF16 Zinc finger protein 16 HGNC:12947 ENSG00000170631 ZNF16_HUMAN 7564 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.613608533 knock down up-regulate 0.044637291 REG00023 ZNF175 Zinc finger protein 175 HGNC:12964 ENSG00000105497 ZN175_HUMAN 7728 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.924331125 knock down up-regulate 0.034464854 REG00023 ZNF180 Zinc finger protein 180 HGNC:12970 ENSG00000167384 ZN180_HUMAN 7733 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.712351364 knock down down-regulator 2.25E-07 REG00023 ZNF184 Zinc finger protein 184 HGNC:12975 ENSG00000096654 ZN184_HUMAN 7738 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ZNF211 Zinc finger protein 211 HGNC:13003 ENSG00000121417 ZN211_HUMAN 10520 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.897677051 knock down up-regulate 0.00011083 REG00023 ZNF251 Zinc finger protein 251 HGNC:13045 ENSG00000198169 ZN251_HUMAN 90987 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.190881142 knock down up-regulate 0.000606753 REG00023 ZNF300 Zinc finger protein 300 HGNC:13091 ENSG00000145908 ZN300_HUMAN 91975 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.87266686 knock down down-regulator 0.044249401 REG00023 ZNF711 Zinc finger protein 711 HGNC:13128 ENSG00000147180 ZN711_HUMAN 7552 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.462450061 knock down up-regulate 0.006117872 REG00023 ZNF84 Zinc finger protein 84 HGNC:13159 ENSG00000198040 ZNF84_HUMAN 7637 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ZNF84 Zinc finger protein 84 HGNC:13159 ENSG00000198040 ZNF84_HUMAN 7637 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.262446294 knock down up-regulate 0.013365718 REG00023 RASSF8 Ras association domain family member 8 HGNC:13232 ENSG00000123094 RASF8_HUMAN 11228 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.519629847 knock down up-regulate 0.002023814 REG00023 GPR63 G protein-coupled receptor 63 HGNC:13302 ENSG00000112218 GPR63_HUMAN 81491 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.972191026 knock down down-regulator 0.000333353 REG00023 GPRC5C G protein-coupled receptor class C group 5 member C HGNC:13309 ENSG00000170412 GPC5C_HUMAN 55890 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.430393985 knock down down-regulator 0.009432815 REG00023 NID2 Nidogen 2 HGNC:13389 ENSG00000087303 NID2_HUMAN 22795 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.716346388 knock down down-regulator 0.000141597 REG00023 SLC2A10 Solute carrier family 2 member 10 HGNC:13444 ENSG00000197496 GTR10_HUMAN 81031 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.108510107 knock down down-regulator 0.001913195 REG00023 FBXO18 F-box DNA helicase 1 HGNC:13620 ENSG00000134452 FBH1_HUMAN 84893 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SLC6A15 Solute carrier family 6 member 15 HGNC:13621 ENSG00000072041 S6A15_HUMAN 55117 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SCG3 Secretogranin III HGNC:13707 ENSG00000104112 SCG3_HUMAN 29106 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -2.189873605 knock down down-regulator 0.002715185 REG00023 ALOXE3 Arachidonate lipoxygenase 3 HGNC:13743 ENSG00000179148 LOXE3_HUMAN 59344 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 CACNA1C Calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 C HGNC:1390 ENSG00000151067 CAC1C_HUMAN 775 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.977246542 knock down down-regulator 0.000250127 REG00023 CACNA1D Calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 D HGNC:1391 ENSG00000157388 CAC1D_HUMAN 776 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.780472157 knock down up-regulate 6.60E-05 REG00023 PRDM10 PR/SET domain 10 HGNC:13995 ENSG00000170325 PRD10_HUMAN 56980 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.8539 knock down up-regulate 8.55E-05 REG00023 MRPS17 Mitochondrial ribosomal protein S17 HGNC:14047 ENSG00000239789 RT17_HUMAN 51373 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.926215818 knock down up-regulate 0.039853183 REG00023 SLC2A11 Solute carrier family 2 member 11 HGNC:14239 ENSG00000133460 GTR11_HUMAN 66035 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.272908934 knock down down-regulator 0.000303466 REG00023 ST8SIA3 ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 3 HGNC:14269 ENSG00000177511 SIA8C_HUMAN 51046 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 IMMP2L Inner mitochondrial membrane peptidase subunit 2 HGNC:14598 ENSG00000184903 IMP2L_HUMAN 83943 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 CAPG Capping actin protein, gelsolin like HGNC:1474 ENSG00000042493 CAPG_HUMAN 822 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.06734844 knock down up-regulate 0.000779214 REG00023 OR51L1 Olfactory receptor family 51 subfamily L member 1 HGNC:14759 ENSG00000176798 O51L1_HUMAN 119682 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 CAPS Calcyphosine HGNC:1487 ENSG00000105519 CAYP1_HUMAN 828 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.596958684 knock down up-regulate 0.000227018 REG00023 PPP1R14A Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory inhibitor subunit 14A HGNC:14871 ENSG00000167641 PP14A_HUMAN 94274 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 DNAJB4 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B4 HGNC:14886 ENSG00000162616 DNJB4_HUMAN 11080 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.291825125 knock down down-regulator 2.04E-08 REG00023 RAB6B RAB6B, member RAS oncogene family HGNC:14902 ENSG00000154917 RAB6B_HUMAN 51560 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.077383082 knock down down-regulator 0.000524269 REG00023 CASP6 Caspase 6 HGNC:1507 ENSG00000138794 CASP6_HUMAN 839 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.285107748 knock down up-regulate 0.000501146 REG00023 CASP8 Caspase 8 HGNC:1509 ENSG00000064012 CASP8_HUMAN 841 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.387670173 knock down up-regulate 0.001127894 REG00023 OR4D9 Olfactory receptor family 4 subfamily D member 9 HGNC:15178 ENSG00000172742 OR4D9_HUMAN 390199 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 OR6S1 Olfactory receptor family 6 subfamily S member 1 HGNC:15363 ENSG00000181803 OR6S1_HUMAN 341799 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 CACNA2D3 Calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit alpha2delta 3 HGNC:15460 ENSG00000157445 CA2D3_HUMAN 55799 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.911588047 knock down up-regulate 0.004605285 REG00023 ALDH8A1 Aldehyde dehydrogenase 8 family member A1 HGNC:15471 ENSG00000118514 AL8A1_HUMAN 64577 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.804396427 knock down up-regulate 7.74E-07 REG00023 CBX1 Chromobox 1 HGNC:1551 ENSG00000108468 CBX1_HUMAN 10951 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 TRIM8 Tripartite motif containing 8 HGNC:15579 ENSG00000171206 TRIM8_HUMAN 81603 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 UGGT2 UDP-glucose glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 2 HGNC:15664 ENSG00000102595 UGGG2_HUMAN 55757 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ARFGEF1 ADP ribosylation factor guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1 HGNC:15772 ENSG00000066777 BIG1_HUMAN 10565 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ANKEF1 Ankyrin repeat and EF-hand domain containing 1 HGNC:15803 ENSG00000132623 ANKE1_HUMAN 63926 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.014087619 knock down down-regulator 0.010012742 REG00023 CCND3 Cyclin D3 HGNC:1585 ENSG00000112576 CCND3_HUMAN 896 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 KIZ Kizuna centrosomal protein HGNC:15865 ENSG00000088970 KIZ_HUMAN 55857 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.623042255 knock down down-regulator 9.57E-07 REG00023 CCNH Cyclin H HGNC:1594 ENSG00000134480 CCNH_HUMAN 902 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 GLRX3 Glutaredoxin 3 HGNC:15987 ENSG00000108010 GLRX3_HUMAN 10539 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 GCA Grancalcin HGNC:15990 ENSG00000115271 GRAN_HUMAN 25801 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 LMLN Leishmanolysin like peptidase HGNC:15991 ENSG00000185621 LMLN_HUMAN 89782 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.675640976 knock down up-regulate 0.000515827 REG00023 ZNF341 Zinc finger protein 341 HGNC:15992 ENSG00000131061 ZN341_HUMAN 84905 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.871937306 knock down down-regulator 1.13E-06 REG00023 VSTM2L V-set and transmembrane domain containing 2 like HGNC:16096 ENSG00000132821 VTM2L_HUMAN 128434 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.779978309 knock down down-regulator 2.76E-06 REG00023 TLDC2 TBC/LysM-associated domain containing 2 HGNC:16112 ENSG00000101342 TLDC2_HUMAN 140711 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 TRIM7 Tripartite motif containing 7 HGNC:16278 ENSG00000146054 TRIM7_HUMAN 81786 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.88772461 knock down down-regulator 0.041029983 REG00023 WBSCR17 Polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 17 HGNC:16347 ENSG00000185274 GLT17_HUMAN 64409 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ACTN2 Actinin alpha 2 HGNC:164 ENSG00000077522 ACTN2_HUMAN 88 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.591607474 knock down up-regulate 0.002518596 REG00023 ADAP1 ArfGAP with dual PH domains 1 HGNC:16486 ENSG00000105963 ADAP1_HUMAN 11033 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 DPP8 Dipeptidyl peptidase 8 HGNC:16490 ENSG00000074603 DPP8_HUMAN 54878 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 RAB39B RAB39B, member RAS oncogene family HGNC:16499 ENSG00000155961 RB39B_HUMAN 116442 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.182061001 knock down down-regulator 0.000832979 REG00023 RAB39A RAB39A, member RAS oncogene family HGNC:16521 ENSG00000179331 RB39A_HUMAN 54734 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.734623242 knock down down-regulator 0.002423484 REG00023 BCL2L14 BCL2 like 14 HGNC:16657 ENSG00000121380 B2L14_HUMAN 79370 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 EIF4ENIF1 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E nuclear import factor 1 HGNC:16687 ENSG00000184708 4ET_HUMAN 56478 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SORCS1 Sortilin related VPS10 domain containing receptor 1 HGNC:16697 ENSG00000108018 SORC1_HUMAN 114815 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.671242916 knock down down-regulator 0.003599229 REG00023 SEMA6D Semaphorin 6D HGNC:16770 ENSG00000137872 SEM6D_HUMAN 80031 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SHCBP1L SHC binding and spindle associated 1 like HGNC:16788 ENSG00000157060 SHP1L_HUMAN 81626 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 COLGALT2 Collagen beta(1-O)galactosyltransferase 2 HGNC:16790 ENSG00000198756 GT252_HUMAN 23127 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.015231784 knock down down-regulator 0.021254738 REG00023 IL32 Interleukin 32 HGNC:16830 ENSG00000008517 IL32_HUMAN 9235 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.130819267 knock down up-regulate 8.16E-05 REG00023 THEMIS2 Thymocyte selection associated family member 2 HGNC:16839 ENSG00000130775 THMS2_HUMAN 9473 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -3.874805304 knock down down-regulator 3.08E-05 REG00023 MELK Maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase HGNC:16870 ENSG00000165304 MELK_HUMAN 9833 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 RIDA Reactive intermediate imine deaminase A homolog HGNC:16897 ENSG00000132541 RIDA_HUMAN 10247 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.853941825 knock down down-regulator 0.000237389 REG00023 SYNCRIP Synaptotagmin binding cytoplasmic RNA interacting protein HGNC:16918 ENSG00000135316 HNRPQ_HUMAN 10492 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 BOC BOC cell adhesion associated, oncogene regulated HGNC:17173 ENSG00000144857 BOC_HUMAN 91653 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.291929703 knock down down-regulator 5.68E-05 REG00023 NAGK N-acetylglucosamine kinase HGNC:17174 ENSG00000124357 NAGK_HUMAN 55577 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 PNRC1 Proline rich nuclear receptor coactivator 1 HGNC:17278 ENSG00000146278 PNRC1_HUMAN 10957 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 CRYBG2 Crystallin beta-gamma domain containing 2 HGNC:17295 ENSG00000176092 CRBG2_HUMAN 55057 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.694332188 knock down down-regulator 0.007166405 REG00023 NEGR1 Neuronal growth regulator 1 HGNC:17302 ENSG00000172260 NEGR1_HUMAN 257194 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SH2B2 SH2B adaptor protein 2 HGNC:17381 ENSG00000160999 SH2B2_HUMAN 10603 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.664395439 knock down up-regulate 0.005935706 REG00023 JDP2 Jun dimerization protein 2 HGNC:17546 ENSG00000140044 JDP2_HUMAN 122953 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.702088689 knock down up-regulate 0.003312011 REG00023 EPDR1 Ependymin related 1 HGNC:17572 ENSG00000086289 EPDR1_HUMAN 54749 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.650837756 knock down up-regulate 0.009467128 REG00023 CDH20 Cadherin 20 HGNC:1760 ENSG00000101542 CAD20_HUMAN 28316 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 PCGF1 Polycomb group ring finger 1 HGNC:17615 ENSG00000115289 PCGF1_HUMAN 84759 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.641745004 knock down down-regulator 0.016956326 REG00023 CDH8 Cadherin 8 HGNC:1767 ENSG00000150394 CADH8_HUMAN 1006 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 DHRS3 Dehydrogenase/reductase 3 HGNC:17693 ENSG00000162496 DHRS3_HUMAN 9249 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.683885033 knock down down-regulator 0.002968017 REG00023 IBTK Inhibitor of Bruton tyrosine kinase HGNC:17853 ENSG00000005700 IBTK_HUMAN 25998 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.601140012 knock down down-regulator 0.013815051 REG00023 LSM3 LSM3 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associated HGNC:17874 ENSG00000170860 LSM3_HUMAN 27258 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 NRSN1 Neurensin 1 HGNC:17881 ENSG00000152954 NRSN1_HUMAN 140767 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ACYP1 Acylphosphatase 1 HGNC:179 ENSG00000119640 ACYP1_HUMAN 97 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.068269416 knock down up-regulate 0.001795346 REG00023 ZDHHC1 Zinc finger DHHC-type containing 1 HGNC:17916 ENSG00000159714 ZDHC1_HUMAN 29800 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.091431945 knock down down-regulator 6.74E-09 REG00023 AADAT Aminoadipate aminotransferase HGNC:17929 ENSG00000109576 AADAT_HUMAN 51166 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.590114854 knock down up-regulate 0.000334974 REG00023 TRPM6 Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 6 HGNC:17995 ENSG00000119121 TRPM6_HUMAN 140803 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ACYP2 Acylphosphatase 2 HGNC:180 ENSG00000170634 ACYP2_HUMAN 98 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ST3GAL6 ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 6 HGNC:18080 ENSG00000064225 SIA10_HUMAN 10402 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ST3GAL6 ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 6 HGNC:18080 ENSG00000064225 SIA10_HUMAN 10402 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.812907232 knock down down-regulator 0.000289966 REG00023 DEFB115 Defensin beta 115 HGNC:18096 ENSG00000215547 DB115_HUMAN 245929 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 PI4K2B Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2 beta HGNC:18215 ENSG00000038210 P4K2B_HUMAN 55300 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 HHAT Hedgehog acyltransferase HGNC:18270 ENSG00000054392 HHAT_HUMAN 55733 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 DHRS2 Dehydrogenase/reductase 2 HGNC:18349 ENSG00000100867 DHRS2_HUMAN 10202 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.893287769 knock down up-regulate 6.86E-05 REG00023 CEBPG CCAAT enhancer binding protein gamma HGNC:1837 ENSG00000153879 CEBPG_HUMAN 1054 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -4.569064226 knock down down-regulator 0.002667109 REG00023 FICD FIC domain protein adenylyltransferase HGNC:18416 ENSG00000198855 FICD_HUMAN 11153 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.144554389 knock down down-regulator 1.02E-12 REG00023 TMEM121B Transmembrane protein 121B HGNC:1844 ENSG00000183307 T121B_HUMAN 27439 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.721752363 knock down down-regulator 0.026689368 REG00023 PPM1H Protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1H HGNC:18583 ENSG00000111110 PPM1H_HUMAN 57460 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 RTN4IP1 Reticulon 4 interacting protein 1 HGNC:18647 ENSG00000130347 RT4I1_HUMAN 84816 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.211327217 knock down down-regulator 0.000122418 REG00023 DPP9 Dipeptidyl peptidase 9 HGNC:18648 ENSG00000142002 DPP9_HUMAN 91039 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 BBS7 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 7 HGNC:18758 ENSG00000138686 BBS7_HUMAN 55212 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ZNF391 Zinc finger protein 391 HGNC:18779 ENSG00000124613 ZN391_HUMAN 346157 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.647355316 knock down down-regulator 7.39E-07 REG00023 KCNV1 Potassium voltage-gated channel modifier subfamily V member 1 HGNC:18861 ENSG00000164794 KCNV1_HUMAN 27012 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 DUSP19 Dual specificity phosphatase 19 HGNC:18894 ENSG00000162999 DUS19_HUMAN 142679 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.873793439 knock down down-regulator 0.027530732 REG00023 HMCN1 Hemicentin 1 HGNC:19194 ENSG00000143341 HMCN1_HUMAN 83872 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.191432483 knock down up-regulate 0.00246135 REG00023 FOXN3 Forkhead box N3 HGNC:1928 ENSG00000053254 FOXN3_HUMAN 1112 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 EPHA6 EPH receptor A6 HGNC:19296 ENSG00000080224 EPHA6_HUMAN 285220 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 CHGB Chromogranin B HGNC:1930 ENSG00000089199 SCG1_HUMAN 1114 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.440301526 knock down up-regulate 0.023623646 REG00023 CHN1 Chimerin 1 HGNC:1943 ENSG00000128656 CHIN_HUMAN 1123 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.668997849 knock down down-regulator 0.038668769 REG00023 DISP1 Dispatched RND transporter family member 1 HGNC:19711 ENSG00000154309 DISP1_HUMAN 84976 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.592013759 knock down up-regulate 0.022341632 REG00023 CLMN Calmin HGNC:19972 ENSG00000165959 CLMN_HUMAN 79789 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.839253047 knock down up-regulate 0.002587099 REG00023 ABHD4 Abhydrolase domain containing 4, N-acyl phospholipase B HGNC:20154 ENSG00000100439 ABHD4_HUMAN 63874 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 4.928563449 knock down up-regulate 3.12E-06 REG00023 DTD2 D-aminoacyl-tRNA deacylase 2 HGNC:20277 ENSG00000129480 DTD2_HUMAN 112487 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.961862917 knock down up-regulate 0.020405122 REG00023 FNDC3A Fibronectin type III domain containing 3A HGNC:20296 ENSG00000102531 FND3A_HUMAN 22862 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 UTP14C UTP14C small subunit processome component HGNC:20321 ENSG00000253797 UT14C_HUMAN 9724 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.749407721 knock down down-regulator 2.23E-05 REG00023 VCPKMT Valosin containing protein lysine methyltransferase HGNC:20352 ENSG00000100483 MT21D_HUMAN 79609 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.441772224 knock down up-regulate 0.000731184 REG00023 RUBCNL Rubicon like autophagy enhancer HGNC:20420 ENSG00000102445 PACER_HUMAN 80183 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 MBIP MAP3K12 binding inhibitory protein 1 HGNC:20427 ENSG00000151332 MBIP1_HUMAN 51562 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.850355639 knock down down-regulator 0.001530104 REG00023 RHBDF1 Rhomboid 5 homolog 1 HGNC:20561 ENSG00000007384 RHDF1_HUMAN 64285 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.81643151 knock down down-regulator 0.003162364 REG00023 CCNL1 Cyclin L1 HGNC:20569 ENSG00000163660 CCNL1_HUMAN 57018 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ADAM28 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 28 HGNC:206 ENSG00000042980 ADA28_HUMAN 10863 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 IPO11 Importin 11 HGNC:20628 ENSG00000086200 IPO11_HUMAN 51194 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ZNF417 Zinc finger protein 417 HGNC:20646 ENSG00000173480 ZN417_HUMAN 147687 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 2.221809719 knock down up-regulate 7.90E-07 REG00023 TSPAN2 Tetraspanin 2 HGNC:20659 ENSG00000134198 TSN2_HUMAN 10100 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.162621242 knock down up-regulate 0.01070486 REG00023 SCN3B Sodium voltage-gated channel beta subunit 3 HGNC:20665 ENSG00000166257 SCN3B_HUMAN 55800 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.615637684 knock down down-regulator 0.005607538 REG00023 ZNF426 Zinc finger protein 426 HGNC:20725 ENSG00000130818 ZN426_HUMAN 79088 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.21684356 knock down down-regulator 0.02892416 REG00023 SYVN1 Synoviolin 1 HGNC:20738 ENSG00000162298 SYVN1_HUMAN 84447 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ZDHHC21 Zinc finger DHHC-type palmitoyltransferase 21 HGNC:20750 ENSG00000175893 ZDH21_HUMAN 340481 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.88169438 knock down up-regulate 2.35E-06 REG00023 PPM1J Protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1J HGNC:20785 ENSG00000155367 PPM1J_HUMAN 333926 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.74877994 knock down down-regulator 0.007139381 REG00023 RPP40 Ribonuclease P/MRP subunit p40 HGNC:20992 ENSG00000124787 RPP40_HUMAN 10799 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.427183862 knock down down-regulator 1.35E-07 REG00023 TRMT11 TRNA methyltransferase 11 homolog HGNC:21080 ENSG00000066651 TRM11_HUMAN 60487 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 CCDC167 Coiled-coil domain containing 167 HGNC:21239 ENSG00000198937 CC167_HUMAN 154467 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -2.311942294 knock down down-regulator 0.036901479 REG00023 CORO6 Coronin 6 HGNC:21356 ENSG00000167549 CORO6_HUMAN 84940 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.867346794 knock down up-regulate 0.001579432 REG00023 UBE3D Ubiquitin protein ligase E3D HGNC:21381 ENSG00000118420 UBE3D_HUMAN 90025 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.720042135 knock down up-regulate 0.045033656 REG00023 BTBD10 BTB domain containing 10 HGNC:21445 ENSG00000148925 BTBDA_HUMAN 84280 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.759705351 knock down down-regulator 1.09E-06 REG00023 MIPOL1 Mirror-image polydactyly 1 HGNC:21460 ENSG00000151338 MIPO1_HUMAN 145282 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.913779551 knock down down-regulator 0.000455651 REG00023 TBC1D32 TBC1 domain family member 32 HGNC:21485 ENSG00000146350 BROMI_HUMAN 221322 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 FAM19A1 TAFA chemokine like family member 1 HGNC:21587 ENSG00000183662 TAFA1_HUMAN 407738 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SDHAF3 Succinate dehydrogenase complex assembly factor 3 HGNC:21752 ENSG00000196636 SDHF3_HUMAN 57001 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ADAMTS3 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 3 HGNC:219 ENSG00000156140 ATS3_HUMAN 9508 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.849106205 knock down up-regulate 0.023252619 REG00023 ZNF746 Zinc finger protein 746 HGNC:21948 ENSG00000181220 ZN746_HUMAN 155061 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 COL2A1 Collagen type II alpha 1 chain HGNC:2200 ENSG00000139219 CO2A1_HUMAN 1280 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.816215036 knock down down-regulator 0.006502573 REG00023 ZNF713 Zinc finger protein 713 HGNC:22043 ENSG00000178665 ZN713_HUMAN 349075 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ZNF470 Zinc finger protein 470 HGNC:22220 ENSG00000197016 ZN470_HUMAN 388566 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 3.449161671 knock down up-regulate 0.000294322 REG00023 KDM7A Lysine demethylase 7A HGNC:22224 ENSG00000006459 KDM7A_HUMAN 80853 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.709891031 knock down down-regulator 0.000467375 REG00023 FAM185A Family with sequence similarity 185 member A HGNC:22412 ENSG00000222011 F185A_HUMAN 222234 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.684573437 knock down down-regulator 0.004559861 REG00023 ENOX2 Ecto-NOX disulfide-thiol exchanger 2 HGNC:2259 ENSG00000165675 ENOX2_HUMAN 10495 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.615634397 knock down down-regulator 0.002422292 REG00023 NANOS1 Nanos C2HC-type zinc finger 1 HGNC:23044 ENSG00000188613 NANO1_HUMAN 340719 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 CPLX1 Complexin 1 HGNC:2309 ENSG00000168993 CPLX1_HUMAN 10815 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.742188039 knock down up-regulate 0.005213096 REG00023 UNC13A Unc-13 homolog A HGNC:23150 ENSG00000130477 UN13A_HUMAN 23025 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -2.291339294 knock down down-regulator 0.000443127 REG00023 RASA4 RAS p21 protein activator 4 HGNC:23181 ENSG00000105808 RASL2_HUMAN 10156 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.696678574 knock down down-regulator 0.016828857 REG00023 CLINT1 Clathrin interactor 1 HGNC:23186 ENSG00000113282 EPN4_HUMAN 9685 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 THAP6 THAP domain containing 6 HGNC:23189 ENSG00000174796 THAP6_HUMAN 152815 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.63237047 knock down up-regulate 0.005166453 REG00023 ZFP1 ZFP1 zinc finger protein HGNC:23328 ENSG00000184517 ZFP1_HUMAN 162239 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.370379074 knock down up-regulate 2.74E-05 REG00023 ZFP90 ZFP90 zinc finger protein HGNC:23329 ENSG00000184939 ZFP90_HUMAN 146198 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.344410354 knock down up-regulate 6.06E-05 REG00023 SLC16A9 Solute carrier family 16 member 9 HGNC:23520 ENSG00000165449 MOT9_HUMAN 220963 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.661124253 knock down down-regulator 0.016247588 REG00023 CROT Carnitine O-octanoyltransferase HGNC:2366 ENSG00000005469 OCTC_HUMAN 54677 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.247323036 knock down up-regulate 2.31E-05 REG00023 ZNF492 Zinc finger protein 492 HGNC:23707 ENSG00000229676 ZN492_HUMAN 57615 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 RASL11A RAS like family 11 member A HGNC:23802 ENSG00000122035 RSLBA_HUMAN 387496 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 GRIP2 Glutamate receptor interacting protein 2 HGNC:23841 ENSG00000144596 GRIP2_HUMAN 80852 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.863147307 knock down up-regulate 7.53E-05 REG00023 ACTRT1 Actin related protein T1 HGNC:24027 ENSG00000123165 ACTT1_HUMAN 139741 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ARMCX3 Armadillo repeat containing X-linked 3 HGNC:24065 ENSG00000102401 ARMX3_HUMAN 51566 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ARSG Arylsulfatase G HGNC:24102 ENSG00000141337 ARSG_HUMAN 22901 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.098431166 knock down up-regulate 0.004564845 REG00023 BMF Bcl2 modifying factor HGNC:24132 ENSG00000104081 BMF_HUMAN 90427 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -3.706632235 knock down down-regulator 4.26E-32 REG00023 MGAT5B Alpha-1,6-mannosylglycoprotein 6-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase B HGNC:24140 ENSG00000167889 MGT5B_HUMAN 146664 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 5.001760871 knock down up-regulate 0.000498357 REG00023 CAMK2N2 Calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase II inhibitor 2 HGNC:24197 ENSG00000163888 CK2N2_HUMAN 94032 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.799105004 knock down up-regulate 0.006794215 REG00023 GLYCTK Glycerate kinase HGNC:24247 ENSG00000168237 GLCTK_HUMAN 132158 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.796194896 knock down up-regulate 1.16E-05 REG00023 WASHC3 WASH complex subunit 3 HGNC:24256 ENSG00000120860 WASC3_HUMAN 51019 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.674710192 knock down down-regulator 0.007006808 REG00023 WASHC1 WASH complex subunit 1 HGNC:24361 ENSG00000181404 WASH1_HUMAN 100287171 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -2.077798122 knock down down-regulator 0.000313824 REG00023 ZNF521 Zinc finger protein 521 HGNC:24605 ENSG00000198795 ZN521_HUMAN 25925 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 4.521992114 knock down up-regulate 0.005296927 REG00023 EEF2K Eukaryotic elongation factor 2 kinase HGNC:24615 ENSG00000103319 EF2K_HUMAN 29904 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SNED1 Sushi, nidogen and EGF like domains 1 HGNC:24696 ENSG00000162804 SNED1_HUMAN 25992 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.879522224 knock down up-regulate 3.25E-05 REG00023 ANKHD1 Ankyrin repeat and KH domain containing 1 HGNC:24714 ENSG00000131503 ANKH1_HUMAN 54882 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 3.870781429 knock down up-regulate 4.08E-05 REG00023 ACSS3 Acyl-CoA synthetase short chain family member 3 HGNC:24723 ENSG00000111058 ACSS3_HUMAN 79611 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.613545466 knock down down-regulator 0.007086404 REG00023 ZC3H6 Zinc finger CCCH-type containing 6 HGNC:24762 ENSG00000188177 ZC3H6_HUMAN 376940 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.588746932 knock down down-regulator 4.09E-05 REG00023 GPRASP1 G protein-coupled receptor associated sorting protein 1 HGNC:24834 ENSG00000198932 GASP1_HUMAN 9737 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 CCDC91 Coiled-coil domain containing 91 HGNC:24855 ENSG00000123106 CCD91_HUMAN 55297 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 RASGEF1B RasGEF domain family member 1B HGNC:24881 ENSG00000138670 RGF1B_HUMAN 153020 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.80206013 knock down down-regulator 0.001309032 REG00023 FRMD4B FERM domain containing 4B HGNC:24886 ENSG00000114541 FRM4B_HUMAN 23150 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ZC4H2 Zinc finger C4H2-type containing HGNC:24931 ENSG00000126970 ZC4H2_HUMAN 55906 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.728985078 knock down down-regulator 1.72E-06 REG00023 LGALSL Galectin like HGNC:25012 ENSG00000119862 LEGL_HUMAN 29094 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.607621695 knock down down-regulator 1.05E-21 REG00023 WDR45B WD repeat domain 45B HGNC:25072 ENSG00000141580 WIPI3_HUMAN 56270 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 CTNNA1 Catenin alpha 1 HGNC:2509 ENSG00000044115 CTNA1_HUMAN 1495 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ZNF551 Zinc finger protein 551 HGNC:25108 ENSG00000204519 ZN551_HUMAN 90233 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.912263642 knock down down-regulator 9.26E-05 REG00023 SHF Src homology 2 domain containing F HGNC:25116 ENSG00000138606 SHF_HUMAN 90525 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.765107024 knock down down-regulator 0.004314689 REG00023 PHF21B PHD finger protein 21B HGNC:25161 ENSG00000056487 PF21B_HUMAN 112885 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.441225595 knock down down-regulator 7.47E-05 REG00023 FCHO2 FCH and mu domain containing endocytic adaptor 2 HGNC:25180 ENSG00000157107 FCHO2_HUMAN 115548 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.593023735 knock down up-regulate 0.030802857 REG00023 CTSE Cathepsin E HGNC:2530 ENSG00000196188 CATE_HUMAN 1510 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 TMEM163 Transmembrane protein 163 HGNC:25380 ENSG00000152128 TM163_HUMAN 81615 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 MFSD11 Major facilitator superfamily domain containing 11 HGNC:25458 ENSG00000092931 MFS11_HUMAN 79157 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.892815795 knock down down-regulator 0.004889152 REG00023 MREG Melanoregulin HGNC:25478 ENSG00000118242 MREG_HUMAN 55686 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.586832741 knock down up-regulate 0.001945699 REG00023 TMEM51 Transmembrane protein 51 HGNC:25488 ENSG00000171729 TMM51_HUMAN 55092 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.03630773 knock down up-regulate 0.006399089 REG00023 EBLN2 Endogenous Bornavirus like nucleoprotein 2 HGNC:25493 ENSG00000255423 EBLN2_HUMAN 55096 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 VAC14 VAC14 component of PIKFYVE complex HGNC:25507 ENSG00000103043 VAC14_HUMAN 55697 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 WDR74 WD repeat domain 74 HGNC:25529 ENSG00000133316 WDR74_HUMAN 54663 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 CMTR2 Cap methyltransferase 2 HGNC:25635 ENSG00000180917 CMTR2_HUMAN 55783 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.624416897 knock down down-regulator 0.021697038 REG00023 TCP11L1 T-complex 11 like 1 HGNC:25655 ENSG00000176148 T11L1_HUMAN 55346 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 TTC23 Tetratricopeptide repeat domain 23 HGNC:25730 ENSG00000103852 TTC23_HUMAN 64927 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.006024133 knock down down-regulator 0.047289638 REG00023 NKAIN1 Sodium/potassium transporting ATPase interacting 1 HGNC:25743 ENSG00000084628 NKAI1_HUMAN 79570 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.72306114 knock down down-regulator 0.008156244 REG00023 SRD5A3 Steroid 5 alpha-reductase 3 HGNC:25812 ENSG00000128039 PORED_HUMAN 79644 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ZNF606 Zinc finger protein 606 HGNC:25879 ENSG00000166704 ZN606_HUMAN 80095 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.693017106 knock down down-regulator 0.000478672 REG00023 C8orf76 Chromosome 8 open reading frame 76 HGNC:25924 ENSG00000189376 CH076_HUMAN 84933 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -2.238520508 knock down down-regulator 0.00625567 REG00023 ZNF562 Zinc finger protein 562 HGNC:25950 ENSG00000171466 ZN562_HUMAN 54811 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.585995883 knock down down-regulator 0.003894408 REG00023 VPS50 VPS50 subunit of EARP/GARPII complex HGNC:25956 ENSG00000004766 VPS50_HUMAN 55610 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.060684892 knock down up-regulate 2.21E-05 REG00023 ZNF692 Zinc finger protein 692 HGNC:26049 ENSG00000171163 ZN692_HUMAN 55657 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 OCEL1 Occludin/ELL domain containing 1 HGNC:26221 ENSG00000099330 OCEL1_HUMAN 79629 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.600487018 knock down up-regulate 0.00238377 REG00023 ZC3H12A Zinc finger CCCH-type containing 12A HGNC:26259 ENSG00000163874 ZC12A_HUMAN 80149 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.08023102 knock down down-regulator 1.28E-11 REG00023 CCDC82 Coiled-coil domain containing 82 HGNC:26282 ENSG00000149231 CCD82_HUMAN 79780 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.796539485 knock down down-regulator 0.000301123 REG00023 CCDC102B Coiled-coil domain containing 102B HGNC:26295 ENSG00000150636 C102B_HUMAN 79839 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ZNF585A Zinc finger protein 585A HGNC:26305 ENSG00000196967 Z585A_HUMAN 199704 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.830735823 knock down up-regulate 0.005192654 REG00023 MARVELD2 MARVEL domain containing 2 HGNC:26401 ENSG00000152939 MALD2_HUMAN 153562 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.613145484 knock down up-regulate 2.43E-14 REG00023 CCDC138 Coiled-coil domain containing 138 HGNC:26531 ENSG00000163006 CC138_HUMAN 165055 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.933001079 knock down down-regulator 0.046529656 REG00023 ZNF549 Zinc finger protein 549 HGNC:26632 ENSG00000121406 ZN549_HUMAN 256051 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.751013251 knock down up-regulate 0.004678933 REG00023 SCAI Suppressor of cancer cell invasion HGNC:26709 ENSG00000173611 SCAI_HUMAN 286205 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 FAM98B Family with sequence similarity 98 member B HGNC:26773 ENSG00000171262 FA98B_HUMAN 283742 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 COX18 Cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor COX18 HGNC:26801 ENSG00000163626 COX18_HUMAN 285521 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 C2orf61 Sperm-tail PG-rich repeat containing 4 HGNC:26850 ENSG00000239605 STPG4_HUMAN 285051 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 TMEM145 Transmembrane protein 145 HGNC:26912 ENSG00000167619 TM145_HUMAN 284339 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -2.936422439 knock down down-regulator 6.09E-05 REG00023 FMC1 Formation of mitochondrial complex V assembly factor 1 homolog HGNC:26946 ENSG00000164898 FMC1_HUMAN 154791 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 DDX3Y DEAD-box helicase 3 Y-linked HGNC:2699 ENSG00000067048 DDX3Y_HUMAN 8653 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.689288926 knock down up-regulate 0.037221604 REG00023 ZSWIM7 Zinc finger SWIM-type containing 7 HGNC:26993 ENSG00000214941 ZSWM7_HUMAN 125150 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.756299486 knock down down-regulator 0.01957275 REG00023 ATPSCKMT ATP synthase c subunit lysine N-methyltransferase HGNC:27029 ENSG00000150756 ACKMT_HUMAN 134145 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.587722926 knock down up-regulate 1.24E-27 REG00023 PLEKHA7 Pleckstrin homology domain containing A7 HGNC:27049 ENSG00000166689 PKHA7_HUMAN 144100 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.028042872 knock down down-regulator 0.045464474 REG00023 NIPAL1 NIPA like domain containing 1 HGNC:27194 ENSG00000163293 NIPA3_HUMAN 152519 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.593829373 knock down up-regulate 0.045677197 REG00023 DDIT3 DNA damage inducible transcript 3 HGNC:2726 ENSG00000175197 DDIT15_HUMAN 1649 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.707457255 knock down up-regulate 0.001696442 REG00023 TMEM61 Transmembrane protein 61 HGNC:27296 ENSG00000143001 TMM61_HUMAN 199964 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 C10orf53 Chromosome 10 open reading frame 53 HGNC:27421 ENSG00000178645 CJ053_HUMAN 282966 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ZNF841 Zinc finger protein 841 HGNC:27611 ENSG00000197608 ZN841_HUMAN 284371 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -2.836403932 knock down down-regulator 0.035906875 REG00023 DEK DEK proto-oncogene HGNC:2768 ENSG00000124795 DEK_HUMAN 7913 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 CCDC77 Coiled-coil domain containing 77 HGNC:28203 ENSG00000120647 CCD77_HUMAN 84318 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.16939215 knock down down-regulator 0.01717648 REG00023 C9orf72 C9orf72-SMCR8 complex subunit HGNC:28337 ENSG00000147894 CI072_HUMAN 203228 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 AARSD1 Alanyl-tRNA synthetase domain containing 1 HGNC:28417 ENSG00000266967 AASD1_HUMAN 80755 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 TMEM161B Transmembrane protein 161B HGNC:28483 ENSG00000164180 T161B_HUMAN 153396 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 DGKA Diacylglycerol kinase alpha HGNC:2849 ENSG00000065357 DGKA_HUMAN 1606 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.209222251 knock down up-regulate 0.009811869 REG00023 CXorf38 Chromosome X open reading frame 38 HGNC:28589 ENSG00000185753 CX038_HUMAN 159013 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.255044063 knock down down-regulator 0.004615029 REG00023 TMSB15B Thymosin beta 15B HGNC:28612 ENSG00000158427 TB15B_HUMAN 286527 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.643600871 knock down up-regulate 0.000420892 REG00023 FAM133B Family with sequence similarity 133 member B HGNC:28629 ENSG00000234545 F133B_HUMAN 257415 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 TICRR TOPBP1 interacting checkpoint and replication regulator HGNC:28704 ENSG00000140534 TICRR_HUMAN 90381 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 APOO Apolipoprotein O HGNC:28727 ENSG00000184831 MIC26_HUMAN 79135 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.087074287 knock down down-regulator 0.03846372 REG00023 LYPD6 LY6/PLAUR domain containing 6 HGNC:28751 ENSG00000187123 LYPD6_HUMAN 130574 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 DIAPH2 Diaphanous related formin 2 HGNC:2877 ENSG00000147202 DIAP2_HUMAN 1730 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ADM2 Adrenomedullin 2 HGNC:28898 ENSG00000128165 ADM2_HUMAN 79924 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.636479912 knock down down-regulator 0.000489626 REG00023 DCUN1D4 Defective in cullin neddylation 1 domain containing 4 HGNC:28998 ENSG00000109184 DCNL4_HUMAN 23142 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -4.110801532 knock down down-regulator 0.040233645 REG00023 DLG2 Discs large MAGUK scaffold protein 2 HGNC:2901 ENSG00000150672 DLG2_HUMAN 1740 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 DLL3 Delta like canonical Notch ligand 3 HGNC:2909 ENSG00000090932 DLL3_HUMAN 10683 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.667757248 knock down down-regulator 0.000330697 REG00023 TMCC1 Transmembrane and coiled-coil domain family 1 HGNC:29116 ENSG00000172765 TMCC1_HUMAN 23023 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.673754056 knock down down-regulator 0.018702525 REG00023 DLX4 Distal-less homeobox 4 HGNC:2917 ENSG00000108813 DLX4_HUMAN 1748 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.667032954 knock down up-regulate 0.019284587 REG00023 PLCH1 Phospholipase C eta 1 HGNC:29185 ENSG00000114805 PLCH1_HUMAN 23007 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 TBC1D14 TBC1 domain family member 14 HGNC:29246 ENSG00000132405 TBC14_HUMAN 57533 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 KIAA1328 KIAA1328 HGNC:29248 ENSG00000150477 K1328_HUMAN 57536 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.398435694 knock down up-regulate 3.81E-28 REG00023 CEP126 Centrosomal protein 126 HGNC:29264 ENSG00000110318 CE126_HUMAN 57562 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.696669346 knock down up-regulate 0.00581867 REG00023 DMD Dystrophin HGNC:2928 ENSG00000198947 DMD_HUMAN 1756 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 CCSER1 Coiled-coil serine rich protein 1 HGNC:29349 ENSG00000184305 CCSE1_HUMAN 401145 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 CEP44 Centrosomal protein 44 HGNC:29356 ENSG00000164118 CEP44_HUMAN 80817 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.638421924 knock down up-regulate 0.013079014 REG00023 CEP295 Centrosomal protein 295 HGNC:29366 ENSG00000166004 CE295_HUMAN 85459 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.07334548 knock down down-regulator 0.024312169 REG00023 ZNF594 Zinc finger protein 594 HGNC:29392 ENSG00000180626 ZN594_HUMAN 84622 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.728579308 knock down down-regulator 1.06E-05 REG00023 ZNF721 Zinc finger protein 721 HGNC:29425 ENSG00000182903 ZN721_HUMAN 170960 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.897237215 knock down up-regulate 0.028755838 REG00023 C12orf57 Chromosome 12 open reading frame 57 HGNC:29521 ENSG00000111678 C10_HUMAN 113246 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 CCDC171 Coiled-coil domain containing 171 HGNC:29828 ENSG00000164989 CC171_HUMAN 203238 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SDR42E1 Short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 42E, member 1 HGNC:29834 ENSG00000184860 D42E1_HUMAN 93517 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 NLRP2B NLR family pyrin domain containing 2B HGNC:29887 ENSG00000215174 PYDC4_HUMAN 286430 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 DPYSL3 Dihydropyrimidinase like 3 HGNC:3015 ENSG00000113657 DPYL3_HUMAN 1809 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.876144311 knock down down-regulator 0.002881719 REG00023 CRBN Cereblon HGNC:30185 ENSG00000113851 CRBN_HUMAN 51185 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 C11orf54 Chromosome 11 open reading frame 54 HGNC:30204 ENSG00000182919 CK054_HUMAN 28970 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.927734431 knock down up-regulate 0.009919814 REG00023 SCAMP5 Secretory carrier membrane protein 5 HGNC:30386 ENSG00000198794 SCAM5_HUMAN 192683 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.030373178 knock down down-regulator 0.001503421 REG00023 RCAN1 Regulator of calcineurin 1 HGNC:3040 ENSG00000159200 RCAN1_HUMAN 1827 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.763051454 knock down down-regulator 0.0042971 REG00023 CIBAR1 CBY1 interacting BAR domain containing 1 HGNC:30452 ENSG00000188343 CBAR1_HUMAN 137392 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.417829677 knock down up-regulate 0.009268686 REG00023 TXNL4A Thioredoxin like 4A HGNC:30551 ENSG00000141759 TXN4A_HUMAN 10907 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SLC25A43 Solute carrier family 25 member 43 HGNC:30557 ENSG00000077713 S2543_HUMAN 203427 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 SRGAP2C SLIT-ROBO Rho GTPase activating protein 2C HGNC:30584 ENSG00000171943 SRG2C_HUMAN 653464 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.284323923 knock down down-regulator 0.008577322 REG00023 CHMP4C Charged multivesicular body protein 4C HGNC:30599 ENSG00000164695 CHM4C_HUMAN 92421 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.10305451 knock down down-regulator 0.00364429 REG00023 SND1 Staphylococcal nuclease and tudor domain containing 1 HGNC:30646 ENSG00000197157 SND1_HUMAN 27044 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 DACT3 Dishevelled binding antagonist of beta catenin 3 HGNC:30745 ENSG00000197380 DACT3_HUMAN 147906 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.650659315 knock down up-regulate 4.04E-13 REG00023 AVPI1 Arginine vasopressin induced 1 HGNC:30898 ENSG00000119986 AVPI1_HUMAN 60370 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 3.728128948 knock down up-regulate 0.006474792 REG00023 MIX23 Mitochondrial matrix import factor 23 HGNC:31136 ENSG00000160124 MIX23_HUMAN 131076 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.650913812 knock down down-regulator 0.016254556 REG00023 SLC6A17 Solute carrier family 6 member 17 HGNC:31399 ENSG00000197106 S6A17_HUMAN 388662 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.876451386 knock down down-regulator 0.003053166 REG00023 C1QL4 Complement C1q like 4 HGNC:31416 ENSG00000186897 C1QL4_HUMAN 338761 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.634635688 knock down up-regulate 0.005190554 REG00023 EDA Ectodysplasin A HGNC:3157 ENSG00000158813 EDA_HUMAN 1896 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 NKX1-2 NK1 homeobox 2 HGNC:31652 ENSG00000229544 NKX12_HUMAN 390010 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.593381901 knock down up-regulate 0.000939917 REG00023 VCX3B Variable charge X-linked 3B HGNC:31838 ENSG00000205642 VCX3B_HUMAN 425054 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 EEA1 Early endosome antigen 1 HGNC:3185 ENSG00000102189 EEA1_HUMAN 8411 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 NBPF20 NBPF member 20 HGNC:32000 ENSG00000162825 NBPFK_HUMAN 100288142 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 DIPK1A Divergent protein kinase domain 1A HGNC:32213 ENSG00000154511 DIK1A_HUMAN 388650 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.953111401 knock down down-regulator 0.000124977 REG00023 TCF24 Transcription factor 24 HGNC:32275 ENSG00000261787 TCF24_HUMAN 100129654 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.193155438 knock down down-regulator 0.001355711 REG00023 EGF Epidermal growth factor HGNC:3229 ENSG00000138798 EGF_HUMAN 1950 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ZNF724 Zinc finger protein 724 HGNC:32460 ENSG00000196081 ZN724_HUMAN 440519 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.604634451 knock down down-regulator 0.008303115 REG00023 ZBTB42 Zinc finger and BTB domain containing 42 HGNC:32550 ENSG00000179627 ZBT42_HUMAN 100128927 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 2.931746564 knock down up-regulate 0.001265912 REG00023 TRIM72 Tripartite motif containing 72 HGNC:32671 ENSG00000177238 TRI72_HUMAN 493829 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -2.883847082 knock down down-regulator 7.14E-06 REG00023 ANKRD36C Ankyrin repeat domain 36C HGNC:32946 ENSG00000174501 AN36C_HUMAN 400986 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.611472283 knock down down-regulator 0.032156675 REG00023 SERPINB1 Serpin family B member 1 HGNC:3311 ENSG00000021355 ILEU_HUMAN 1992 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.599282734 knock down up-regulate 0.000425747 REG00023 SPANXN1 SPANX family member N1 HGNC:33174 ENSG00000203923 SPXN1_HUMAN 494118 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 NEMP2 Nuclear envelope integral membrane protein 2 HGNC:33700 ENSG00000189362 NEMP2_HUMAN 100131211 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 NHLRC3 NHL repeat containing 3 HGNC:33751 ENSG00000188811 NHLC3_HUMAN 387921 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.65529556 knock down up-regulate 0.010650069 REG00023 PPIAL4G Peptidylprolyl isomerase A like 4G HGNC:33996 ENSG00000236334 PAL4G_HUMAN 644591 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 PPIAL4F Peptidylprolyl isomerase A like 4F HGNC:33999 ENSG00000279782 PAL4F_HUMAN 728945 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ERCC3 ERCC excision repair 3, TFIIH core complex helicase subunit HGNC:3435 ENSG00000163161 ERCC3_HUMAN 2071 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 C2orf74 Chromosome 2 open reading frame 74 HGNC:34439 ENSG00000237651 CB074_HUMAN 339804 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.731247641 knock down down-regulator 0.016594732 REG00023 AHR Aryl hydrocarbon receptor HGNC:348 ENSG00000106546 AHR_HUMAN 196 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 EVX2 Even-skipped homeobox 2 HGNC:3507 ENSG00000174279 EVX2_HUMAN 344191 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.026053387 knock down down-regulator 0.00965251 REG00023 ANKRD30BL Ankyrin repeat domain 30B like HGNC:35167 ENSG00000163046 A30BL_HUMAN 554226 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 FBLL1 Fibrillarin like 1 HGNC:35458 ENSG00000188573 FBLL1_HUMAN 345630 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.635500553 knock down up-regulate 0.006289298 REG00023 FCAR Fc alpha receptor HGNC:3608 ENSG00000186431 FCAR_HUMAN 2204 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 FCGR3A Fc gamma receptor IIIa HGNC:3619 ENSG00000203747 FCG3A_HUMAN 2214 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 FDXR Ferredoxin reductase HGNC:3642 ENSG00000161513 ADRO_HUMAN 2232 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.711560581 knock down up-regulate 0.006801127 REG00023 FER FER tyrosine kinase HGNC:3655 ENSG00000151422 FER_HUMAN 2241 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 FLRT1 Fibronectin leucine rich transmembrane protein 1 HGNC:3760 ENSG00000126500 FLRT1_HUMAN 23769 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.762073415 knock down up-regulate 0.008731325 REG00023 FOSB FosB proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit HGNC:3797 ENSG00000125740 FOSB_HUMAN 2354 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 AKR7A2 Aldo-keto reductase family 7 member A2 HGNC:389 ENSG00000053371 ARK72_HUMAN 8574 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 GAB1 GRB2 associated binding protein 1 HGNC:4066 ENSG00000109458 GAB1_HUMAN 2549 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.012468694 knock down up-regulate 1.18E-14 REG00023 GABARAPL1 GABA type A receptor associated protein like 1 HGNC:4068 ENSG00000139112 GBRL1_HUMAN 23710 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 GABRB3 Gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor subunit beta3 HGNC:4083 ENSG00000166206 GBRB3_HUMAN 2562 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.955378161 knock down down-regulator 8.51E-11 REG00023 PROB1 Proline rich basic protein 1 HGNC:41906 ENSG00000228672 PROB1_HUMAN 389333 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.979907102 knock down down-regulator 0.00380121 REG00023 BLOC1S1 Biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 1 subunit 1 HGNC:4200 ENSG00000135441 BL1S1_HUMAN 2647 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.247356894 knock down down-regulator 0.03998163 REG00023 GCNT1 Glucosaminyl (N-acetyl) transferase 1 HGNC:4203 ENSG00000187210 GCNT1_HUMAN 2650 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 GIT2 GIT ArfGAP 2 HGNC:4273 ENSG00000139436 GIT2_HUMAN 9815 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.713699064 knock down down-regulator 1.56E-39 REG00023 GNAO1 G protein subunit alpha o1 HGNC:4389 ENSG00000087258 GNAO_HUMAN 2775 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.690321386 knock down down-regulator 5.46E-07 REG00023 GNG4 G protein subunit gamma 4 HGNC:4407 ENSG00000168243 GBG4_HUMAN 2786 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.884878355 knock down up-regulate 9.26E-06 REG00023 GUCY1A1 Guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit alpha 1 HGNC:4685 ENSG00000164116 GCYA1_HUMAN 2982 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.1441301 knock down up-regulate 0.025226453 REG00023 HAP1 Huntingtin associated protein 1 HGNC:4812 ENSG00000173805 HAP1_HUMAN 9001 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.149504267 knock down up-regulate 0.033245063 REG00023 ANG Angiogenin HGNC:483 ENSG00000214274 ANGI_HUMAN 283 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 HERC3 HECT and RLD domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 3 HGNC:4876 ENSG00000138641 HERC3_HUMAN 8916 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.136337276 knock down down-regulator 0.021691684 REG00023 HEY2 Hes related family bHLH transcription factor with YRPW motif 2 HGNC:4881 ENSG00000135547 HEY2_HUMAN 23493 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -3.182275247 knock down down-regulator 0.005565859 REG00023 HFE2 Hemojuvelin BMP co-receptor HGNC:4887 ENSG00000168509 RGMC_HUMAN 148738 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 CEBPZOS CEBPZ opposite strand HGNC:49288 ENSG00000218739 CEBOS_HUMAN 100505876 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.294772249 knock down down-regulator 0.022592709 REG00023 HLA-DOA Major histocompatibility complex, class II, DO alpha HGNC:4936 ENSG00000204252 DOA_HUMAN 3111 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.651909129 knock down up-regulate 0.002802385 REG00023 FOXA1 Forkhead box A1 HGNC:5021 ENSG00000129514 FOXA1_HUMAN 3169 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.058214784 knock down down-regulator 0.000112701 REG00023 HOXB5 Homeobox B5 HGNC:5116 ENSG00000120075 HXB5_HUMAN 3215 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.790987991 knock down up-regulate 0.022568909 REG00023 HOXD9 Homeobox D9 HGNC:5140 ENSG00000128709 HXD9_HUMAN 3235 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 4.487136872 knock down up-regulate 0.021731637 REG00023 HSD17B7 Hydroxysteroid 17-beta dehydrogenase 7 HGNC:5215 ENSG00000132196 DHB7_HUMAN 51478 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.177811141 knock down up-regulate 0.007822639 REG00023 HSF2 Heat shock transcription factor 2 HGNC:5225 ENSG00000025156 HSF2_HUMAN 3298 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 FOXN2 Forkhead box N2 HGNC:5281 ENSG00000170802 FOXN2_HUMAN 3344 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 2.081641576 knock down up-regulate 2.84E-09 REG00023 ICA1 Islet cell autoantigen 1 HGNC:5343 ENSG00000003147 ICA69_HUMAN 3382 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.718300404 knock down up-regulate 0.002019549 REG00023 IGF2 Insulin like growth factor 2 HGNC:5466 ENSG00000167244 IGF2_HUMAN 3481 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.853886418 knock down up-regulate 2.03E-05 REG00023 AP3B2 Adaptor related protein complex 3 subunit beta 2 HGNC:567 ENSG00000103723 AP3B2_HUMAN 8120 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.84659381 knock down up-regulate 0.012428819 REG00023 IL6R Interleukin 6 receptor HGNC:6019 ENSG00000160712 IL6RA_HUMAN 3570 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.203394736 knock down down-regulator 8.89E-06 REG00023 INA Internexin neuronal intermediate filament protein alpha HGNC:6057 ENSG00000148798 AINX_HUMAN 9118 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -4.070739315 knock down down-regulator 2.63E-09 REG00023 INSM1 INSM transcriptional repressor 1 HGNC:6090 ENSG00000173404 INSM1_HUMAN 3642 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.491755969 knock down down-regulator 3.48E-06 REG00023 ITGA2 Integrin subunit alpha 2 HGNC:6137 ENSG00000164171 ITA2_HUMAN 3673 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ITGB3BP Integrin subunit beta 3 binding protein HGNC:6157 ENSG00000142856 CENPR_HUMAN 23421 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.051111026 knock down down-regulator 9.20E-05 REG00023 JAG1 Jagged canonical Notch ligand 1 HGNC:6188 ENSG00000101384 JAG1_HUMAN 182 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.954612155 knock down up-regulate 0.002661897 REG00023 KCNJ14 Potassium inwardly rectifying channel subfamily J member 14 HGNC:6260 ENSG00000182324 KCJ14_HUMAN 3770 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.812438715 knock down down-regulator 5.09E-07 REG00023 KCNMA1 Potassium calcium-activated channel subfamily M alpha 1 HGNC:6284 ENSG00000156113 KCMA1_HUMAN 3778 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 KDELR3 KDEL endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 3 HGNC:6306 ENSG00000100196 ERD23_HUMAN 11015 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.651999477 knock down down-regulator 0.00257321 REG00023 KDR Kinase insert domain receptor HGNC:6307 ENSG00000128052 VGFR2_HUMAN 3791 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 KIT KIT proto-oncogene, receptor tyrosine kinase HGNC:6342 ENSG00000157404 KIT_HUMAN 3815 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.885974529 knock down up-regulate 0.001957256 REG00023 KLHL3 Kelch like family member 3 HGNC:6354 ENSG00000146021 KLHL3_HUMAN 26249 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.262250045 knock down up-regulate 1.87E-32 REG00023 KLHL5 Kelch like family member 5 HGNC:6356 ENSG00000109790 KLHL5_HUMAN 51088 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.395089696 knock down down-regulator 3.92E-10 REG00023 LDB1 LIM domain binding 1 HGNC:6532 ENSG00000198728 LDB1_HUMAN 8861 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 LIG4 DNA ligase 4 HGNC:6601 ENSG00000174405 DNLI4_HUMAN 3981 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.899274839 knock down up-regulate 1.07E-05 REG00023 LRP1B LDL receptor related protein 1B HGNC:6693 ENSG00000168702 LRP1B_HUMAN 53353 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.614667042 knock down up-regulate 3.39E-11 REG00023 ARHGEF3 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 3 HGNC:683 ENSG00000163947 ARHG3_HUMAN 50650 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.829831095 knock down up-regulate 0.014563249 REG00023 MAP4K2 Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 2 HGNC:6864 ENSG00000168067 M4K2_HUMAN 5871 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.598569478 knock down up-regulate 0.018677781 REG00023 MC3R Melanocortin 3 receptor HGNC:6931 ENSG00000124089 MC3R_HUMAN 4159 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 MDM4 MDM4 regulator of p53 HGNC:6974 ENSG00000198625 MDM4_HUMAN 4194 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 MEF2C Myocyte enhancer factor 2C HGNC:6996 ENSG00000081189 MEF2C_HUMAN 4208 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.071651769 knock down down-regulator 0.041924409 REG00023 MEF2D Myocyte enhancer factor 2D HGNC:6997 ENSG00000116604 MEF2D_HUMAN 4209 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 MMD Monocyte to macrophage differentiation associated HGNC:7153 ENSG00000108960 PAQRB_HUMAN 23531 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 MME Membrane metalloendopeptidase HGNC:7154 ENSG00000196549 NEP_HUMAN 4311 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 MMP17 Matrix metallopeptidase 17 HGNC:7163 ENSG00000198598 MMP17_HUMAN 4326 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.617842776 knock down up-regulate 0.019113573 REG00023 MMP24 Matrix metallopeptidase 24 HGNC:7172 ENSG00000125966 MMP24_HUMAN 10893 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.094066846 knock down down-regulator 0.015725453 REG00023 MPDZ Multiple PDZ domain crumbs cell polarity complex component HGNC:7208 ENSG00000107186 MPDZ_HUMAN 8777 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.949678318 knock down up-regulate 0.001500639 REG00023 MXRA8 Matrix remodeling associated 8 HGNC:7542 ENSG00000162576 MXRA8_HUMAN 54587 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.6476984 knock down up-regulate 0.010883411 REG00023 MYL5 Myosin light chain 5 HGNC:7586 ENSG00000215375 MYL5_HUMAN 4636 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.784675104 knock down up-regulate 0.000903553 REG00023 NCBP2 Nuclear cap binding protein subunit 2 HGNC:7659 ENSG00000114503 NCBP2_HUMAN 22916 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 NELL2 Neural EGFL like 2 HGNC:7751 ENSG00000184613 NELL2_HUMAN 4753 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.593666299 knock down up-regulate 0.020093929 REG00023 NFATC3 Nuclear factor of activated T cells 3 HGNC:7777 ENSG00000072736 NFAC3_HUMAN 4775 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 NME2 NME/NM23 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 2 HGNC:7850 ENSG00000243678 NDKB_HUMAN 4831 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.80921387 knock down up-regulate 0.00328673 REG00023 NME4 NME/NM23 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 4 HGNC:7852 ENSG00000103202 NDKM_HUMAN 4833 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 NOS2 Nitric oxide synthase 2 HGNC:7873 ENSG00000007171 NOS2_HUMAN 4843 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.718577533 knock down up-regulate 0.015150137 REG00023 ATF7 Activating transcription factor 7 HGNC:792 ENSG00000170653 ATF7_HUMAN 11016 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.068219335 knock down up-regulate 0.001453269 REG00023 NR1H3 Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group H member 3 HGNC:7966 ENSG00000025434 NR1H3_HUMAN 10062 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.125249231 knock down down-regulator 2.95E-08 REG00023 NR2C1 Nuclear receptor subfamily 2 group C member 1 HGNC:7971 ENSG00000120798 NR2C1_HUMAN 7181 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 NUDT9 Nudix hydrolase 9 HGNC:8056 ENSG00000170502 NUDT9_HUMAN 53343 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 NUFIP1 Nuclear FMR1 interacting protein 1 HGNC:8057 ENSG00000083635 NUFP1_HUMAN 26747 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ATP4A ATPase H+/K+ transporting subunit alpha HGNC:819 ENSG00000105675 ATP4A_HUMAN 495 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 OR1F1 Olfactory receptor family 1 subfamily F member 1 HGNC:8194 ENSG00000168124 OR1F1_HUMAN 4992 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ATP5A1 ATP synthase F1 subunit alpha HGNC:823 ENSG00000152234 ATPA_HUMAN 498 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 ATP5J ATP synthase peripheral stalk subunit F6 HGNC:847 ENSG00000154723 ATP5J_HUMAN 522 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 P2RX4 Purinergic receptor P2X 4 HGNC:8535 ENSG00000135124 P2RX4_HUMAN 5025 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.659723472 knock down down-regulator 0.022191883 REG00023 PANX2 Pannexin 2 HGNC:8600 ENSG00000073150 PANX2_HUMAN 56666 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.870352864 knock down down-regulator 0.01636434 REG00023 PCDH1 Protocadherin 1 HGNC:8655 ENSG00000156453 PCDH1_HUMAN 5097 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.603364026 knock down down-regulator 0.03644567 REG00023 PCSK2 Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 2 HGNC:8744 ENSG00000125851 NEC2_HUMAN 5126 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 PDE3A Phosphodiesterase 3A HGNC:8778 ENSG00000172572 PDE3A_HUMAN 5139 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 PDHA2 Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 subunit alpha 2 HGNC:8807 ENSG00000163114 ODPAT_HUMAN 5161 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 PEX3 Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 3 HGNC:8858 ENSG00000034693 PEX3_HUMAN 8504 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.897104793 knock down down-regulator 0.01674824 REG00023 PFDN4 Prefoldin subunit 4 HGNC:8868 ENSG00000101132 PFD4_HUMAN 5203 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.6309 knock down up-regulate 0.002176 REG00023 PLA2G4A Phospholipase A2 group IVA HGNC:9035 ENSG00000116711 PA24A_HUMAN 5321 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.103583159 knock down down-regulator 5.31E-05 REG00023 PLCB4 Phospholipase C beta 4 HGNC:9059 ENSG00000101333 PLCB4_HUMAN 5332 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 PLCB4 Phospholipase C beta 4 HGNC:9059 ENSG00000101333 PLCB4_HUMAN 5332 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.701883832 knock down down-regulator 0.014043319 REG00023 PLSCR1 Phospholipid scramblase 1 HGNC:9092 ENSG00000188313 PLS1_HUMAN 5359 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.646152273 knock down down-regulator 0.002603352 REG00023 POLG DNA polymerase gamma, catalytic subunit HGNC:9179 ENSG00000140521 . 5428 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 PPEF2 Protein phosphatase with EF-hand domain 2 HGNC:9244 ENSG00000156194 PPE2_HUMAN 5470 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 PPIL3 Peptidylprolyl isomerase like 3 HGNC:9262 ENSG00000240344 PPIL3_HUMAN 53938 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -1.580705271 knock down down-regulator 1.52E-05 REG00023 PPP2R2C Protein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit Bgamma HGNC:9306 ENSG00000074211 2ABG_HUMAN 5522 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.843703525 knock down down-regulator 0.00448928 REG00023 PRDM5 PR/SET domain 5 HGNC:9349 ENSG00000138738 PRDM5_HUMAN 11107 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.482 knock down up-regulate 0.03887 REG00023 PRKCQ Protein kinase C theta HGNC:9410 ENSG00000065675 KPCT_HUMAN 5588 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.961457227 knock down down-regulator 0.008008151 REG00023 BARHL2 BarH like homeobox 2 HGNC:954 ENSG00000143032 BARH2_HUMAN 343472 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.374576415 knock down up-regulate 1.06E-69 REG00023 PSTPIP2 Proline-serine-threonine phosphatase interacting protein 2 HGNC:9581 ENSG00000152229 PPIP2_HUMAN 9050 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.858992445 knock down down-regulator 0.009024276 REG00023 PTN Pleiotrophin HGNC:9630 ENSG00000105894 PTN_HUMAN 5764 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 RAB3A RAB3A, member RAS oncogene family HGNC:9777 ENSG00000105649 RAB3A_HUMAN 5864 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.740179333 knock down down-regulator 0.006064729 REG00023 RAB3B RAB3B, member RAS oncogene family HGNC:9778 ENSG00000169213 RAB3B_HUMAN 5865 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 RAD52 RAD52 homolog, DNA repair protein HGNC:9824 ENSG00000002016 RAD52_HUMAN 5893 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.662714296 knock down down-regulator 0.01744467 REG00023 RAG2 Recombination activating 2 HGNC:9832 ENSG00000175097 RAG2_HUMAN 5897 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293T CVCL_0063 Homo sapiens Normal . iCLIP-seq 27602518 GSE78030; GSE86214 . . . . REG00023 BCL2 BCL2 apoptosis regulator HGNC:990 ENSG00000171791 BCL2_HUMAN 596 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.93338058 knock down up-regulate 3.64E-09 REG00023 RBMS1 RNA binding motif single stranded interacting protein 1 HGNC:9907 ENSG00000153250 RBMS1_HUMAN 5937 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 0.942813408 knock down up-regulate 0.001460817 REG00023 RFX2 Regulatory factor X2 HGNC:9983 ENSG00000087903 RFX2_HUMAN 5990 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 1.18552771 knock down up-regulate 0.014416581 REG00023 RFX3 Regulatory factor X3 HGNC:9984 ENSG00000080298 RFX3_HUMAN 5991 Gene with protein product Protein coding HEK293 cell line CVCL_0045 Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 31767846 GSE129194 -0.811659504 knock down down-regulator 0.001101644